Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 64

Day 64

Jackson Day 64: 1861 grams or 4 lbs 2 oz. He was still having desats last night. The night nurse has not wanted me to give him a bottle the last two nights because she felt he was desating too much. And they have gone up on his oxygen support to .8 liter flow and 50% oxygen. I felt strongly this was due to his low hematocrit and talked to Dr. Simmons about a blood transfusion today. Dr. Simmons was leaning on the side of not giving blood, he prefers to err on the side of no intervention because there are risks to everything they do. I just hated seeing him take these little steps back, and they really are little steps but they felt much bigger as we are hopefully nearing the end. Since getting 30ml of blood he has seemed to have much more energy and has been sating great. They are going to start weaning his oxygen support. Hopefully these are good signs I made the right decision. He's doing great and is a little fighter. Mom's learning how to fight too. 😉 FOJSP!

Mom hates seeing head IVs for blood transfusions but the nurses say it is better for the baby because it bugs him less than being in his arm or leg 

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