Friday, April 18, 2014

10 Weeks Old

10 Weeks Old

This last week seemed to have flown by! It was so exciting with Jackson starting to eat his whole bottle. It started to feel like he'd be coming home any day. But I think we got ahead of ourselves a little bit and it's just going to make the next few weeks feel longer and all the more frustrating. Everybody keeps saying 'be patient'. We've been practicing patience for the last 10 weeks. Patience while we waited for his PDA to close. Patience while we waited for him to get over pneumonia. Patience while we waited for him to breathe. Patience while we waited for him to start tolerating food via just the NG tube. We've been patient. But this is a whole new kind of patience when you're just waiting on one last thing before he can come home. When it takes all your strength not to plead with your baby 'Eat! Please just eat! Eat and then we can go home! Doesn't that sound great? Please. Just. Eat!' So instead we'll continue to be patient...

Day 71

Jackson Day 71: 2100 grams or 4 lbs 10 oz. Ten weeks old today! He's doing a little better with eating today. He finished a bottle for the nurse last night and ate a little more than half his bottle this morning. He even gave me some smiles this afternoon. He's having a great day. FOJSP! 

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