Wednesday, November 27, 2013

It's A...


Hunter and I went for what I thought would be my 9 week appointment and our first ultrasound. Surprise! We're actually 14 weeks along and our new due date is May 6th, 2014.

The ultrasound tech was pretty sure it's a BOY as well. At 14 weeks it's still really early to tell. And of course everyone has now been telling me their story of being told it was one gender to find out a few weeks later they were wrong. And one particularly terrifying story where the tech thought it was twins, then a girl, then a boy. Yikes. Time for a second opinion, anyone?

The ultrasound was honestly one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. Cool seems like a pretty lame word to describe seeing your baby for the first time, but it's all I've got right now. I still keep picturing him moving around in there and I swear he was waving to us, Hunter laughs at me every time I say this but it really did look like it.

When the appointment started out, before I even had time for my eyes to adjust to what we were seeing, the tech assured us there was one baby not two. Then she exclaimed well you are definitely not 9 weeks. A few measurements later and she had confirmed we were actually 14 weeks along. It feels so weird to have lost a whole month off this pregnancy. As if we didn't already have enough to do and decisions to make, a shortened timeline sure adds to the stress. But that's ok, because I'm just choosing to picture that amazing baby moving around, sucking his thumb, and no matter what Hunter says waving his hand saying 'hi momma!'.

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