Friday, March 7, 2014

1 month old

1 Month Old

Week 4

Week 3

Week 2

Week 1

1 Month: 14 1/2 inches long and 2 lbs 2 oz. Longest and shortest month of our lives. So much has happened. Jackson is getting bigger and stronger everyday; he's grown 1 inch, although he hasn't gained any weight. Hopefully that will come soon as he continues to eat more. 

Everyday we get to see more and more of his personality:

- He is a very happy, smiley baby in the morning. Not sure where he gets it, because his parents definitely are not.

When he gets mad, oh does he get mad! And he wants everyone to know it. But he only really gets fussy when something is wrong; diaper needs changed, needs to be suctioned, has been laying in that position too long and wants to be moved, or you are bugging him with something silly like taking his temp then he'll just push your hand away. When this happens, the nurses call it a 'Jack Attack'. 

- He loves his mom and dad and definitely knows when we are talking to him. He will stare at us and look back and forth between us as we talk to him. He also loves to be sung to, calms him right down. 

- He is very strong. He can push your hand away with his feet. And has a very tight grip, even if it is only on the tip of your finger. One night he got upset with being on his tummy, and he actually flipped himself over! How's that for my tiny, genius baby? First roll over at 3 weeks, 30 weeks gestation. Gave the nurse quite the scare. 

- Lastly, he is very opinionated. As evidenced above. If he wants something, he has his ways of getting it. If he doesn't like a plan, he changes it (right from day 1 actually). Some of the nurses joke that you either have to get his permission on your plan first or you have to sneak attack him. Because otherwise he is going to do everything he can to change your plan. For example, the many times we tried to come up with plans for holding him. 

We love our sweet, little boy and have loved watching him grow and change everyday. 

Puppy was a one month birthday present from Dad

Day 29: 950 grams or 2 lbs 2 oz. Jackson is 1 month old today!!! He had his head ultrasound this morning and the brain bleed is gone! They will check again at 36 weeks gestation (in 5 weeks). He has been doing great with feedings, he is getting 7 cc right now and still increasing by 1 cc every 6 hours. He should be up to full feedings (20 cc per feeding) in 3 days. At this point they will stop giving him TPN through the IV and he will just get breast milk. Yay! He can start using up his very large food storage he's got built up. This is also good because last night his PICC line got a clot in it. This didn't cause him any harm because they caught it so early but meant they had to take out the line. With his infection they were debating taking it out anyway because they didn't want to leave any hardware in that may still be housing the infection. So they put in an IV and this is how he will get his TPN for the next few days.  He's doing good but he's been a little fussy. Well we figured out why, he had a messy diaper and had spit up on himself! I guess that's why babies get a little fussy :) our little boy is growing up. FOJSP!!!

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