Friday, February 28, 2014

Three Weeks

It's hard to believe Jackson has been here three weeks. This week has definitely been very challenging for us. It has brought one of the highest ups for us (Jackson coming off the ventilator) and one of the lowest downs for us (going back on the ventilator and not getting to hold him) on this awful NICU roller coaster. But we just keep reminding ourselves to focus on the positive and just keep thinking about how far he's come, how much he's overcome, and how good he's really doing all things considered. I was talking to another NICU mom tonight whose little boy is being discharged after 6 weeks here, and she reminded me to keep replacing fear with faith. To not focus on the little setbacks but to keep in mind that despite these, he will still go home at the end of all this. 

All tucked in and sleeping peacefully after a big day of getting a new IV and being re-intubated

Daddy's future little Sigma Chi, he did not want to let go of that ring

Enjoying his brief break from the ventilator

Day 22
Day 22: 950 grams or 2 lbs 1 oz. Three weeks old today! Jackson is doing good but it's been a little bit of a tough day for the little guy. He was doing so well on the oscillating ventilator that they had the settings turned down as low as possible. So it was time to switch him back to the normal ventilator. When they did this the leak in his tube was too big, so they had to switch out the tube. When they had put the tube in on Tuesday, his throat was too inflamed from being intubated twice that they had to use a smaller tube causing the leak. He is doing good on the new ventilator settings. He will likely stay on it until he finishes his antibiotics, at least 5 more days. He also needed more blood today. His hematocrit was down to 29 after needing blood gas tests run so frequently the last two days. He received 15 cc (3 teaspoons) of blood today. He needed a new IV put in this morning for that. Our little boy has been poked and prodded enough for today. They have given him Ativan to help him relax, sleep, and recover after today. FOJSP! 

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