Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 12

Day 12

Hunter has been sending out these little updates to our family every morning, but today we were waiting to get back the results of Jackson's echo before sending out the update so it didn't go out until 5. Oh was our family mad! So we've learned our lesson and won't be late on the update again. :)

Hunter does such a wonderful job of remembering everything the doctors tell us, and giving all the details. But today's update was a little scarier and he left out one of the best parts of yesterday. Hunter got to hold Jackson for the first time yesterday! Just a little bit, while they changed out his bedding, but it is still just such an amazing experience and we will take our wins where we can get them. Two pounds has never felt so unbelievably light. It's amazing to think he's all there. (Mom got to hold him a little bit too, but somebody was lacking on the photo documentation :). )

Jax day 12: 930 grams or 2lbs 1oz. 10 grams up from yesterday. The little shit about put mom and dad in the hospital yesterday. He was having a great wonderful day. When we rolled him to his back his vent tube plugged off. Renee (nurse) jumped right on it. They had to disconnect his vent and bag him to get his oxygen level back up. He dropped to 50% saturation and his heart rate dropped below 80bpm. They were able to suction the lungs and free things up and put him back on the vent. It felt like this took an hour and it was likely 5 min total. After that he was wide awake and got a little time with mom and dad. He was surprisingly calm after things mellowed out. 
This morning Doctor Simmons indicated that he may start to put on a little weight as he grows now. We can expect 10 to 15 grams a day soon. It looks like he is trending towards the 10th percentile for his age. His murmur is much softer than previously. It looked like the PDA is less open just by watching the echo. We will be giving him a lower Indomethacin dose for a few more days to help close the PDA the rest of the way. The PDA has closed from a 1.5mm duct to open only 0.5mm. There is no bile coming back up his feeding tube but he has not had a bowel movement since the the night before last so he got another suppository today. There is no air present in his abdomen so that is a little concerning but they are watching closely to ensure no blockage is present. He has his moments when we have to move him around... Gave mom and dad a heart attack again this afternoon. Similar story as earlier but his numbers were not as bad. He is doing great right now and we hope this duct closes and we can get him off of the vent soon. The nurses told us having a baby his age in the NICU is like a roller coaster. I beg to differ. it's more like jumping off of a bridge... Then trying to remember if you hooked up the bungee cord... This process repeats every three to six hours and you never remember to check the damn bungee cord. 
Jackson is similar to a good whiskey he gets a little stronger and a little better everyday! FOJSP!

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