Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 11

Day 11

Jax day 11: 2lbs 0oz. Little guy had a rough day yesterday afternoon. But things are going much better today. 
His right lung has inflated and his X-rays show much less fluid on his lungs. It is very possible that the PDA was closing then kicked open again increasing pressure on his lungs resulting in increase fluid. Dr Simmons came in last night again to double check his progress. He is watching his white cell count and his sugar levels very closely. We did see his sugar levels increase along with a small amount on the white blood cell ct so he feels it best to administer antibiotics. Babies his size take sickness very hard and it is the right decision to be cautious.
The murmur is much softer today. Yesterday the murmur was very loud around the time that he had his lung complications. The PDA is very elastic so it is not uncommon to open and close during treatment. The murmur sounds softer today again and we hope that it is a good sign. He has one more Indomethacin treatment tonight to complete the second round. He will have another echo tomorrow to review the status of his PDA. 
He is not discharging bile out of his feeding tube, he pooped last night, and his blood transfusion went well.  Things are moving the right direction. 
He is doing a lot better right now and he is one day older... one day closer to going home. Having bad days is just part of the battle but they will come and more importantly they will go. FOJSP!

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