Friday, March 7, 2014

Day 30

Day 30

Day 30: 1040 grams or 2 lbs 5oz. Gaining weight!!! This is the first time he has been over his birth weight. Jackson is doing well with feedings, he is getting 10 cc right now. As they increase the milk they decrease his TPN and lipid injections. If things go well in a couple of days he will have one less line poking in him. The less hardware going in the better. Today Jackson had his first eye exam. Retinal exams are pretty invasive and sure pissed him off... But the exam went well. No signs of ROP. His retina is very premature but normal for gestational age. He is slated for his next exam in 2 weeks. He is happy and rested now after the exam... So well in fact that we are going to pull his tube now instead of waiting until tomorrow! FOJSP!!!

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