The second child.
The healthy child.
The not forgotten child.
A family friend came to visit Jackson in the hospital a few months ago and he asked how Riley was doing. I told him she was getting spoiled with two grandmas there taking care of her while Hunter and I were consumed with the scary reality Jackson was facing. He said oh that's good, it's always the healthy kids who get forgotten. I know he was referring to his own childhood having gone through a sibling having health complications. I know he wasn't bitter and didn't mean anything by the comment, it was just the truth of how he had felt at the time. But it breaks my heart to think of Riley saying that in 30 years.
Even being a preemie, since day 1 Riley has been an easy, dream baby. She has always been a great eater, great sleeper, and just an all around happy baby, hardly ever crying. Especially in comparison to her wild older brother running around, causing chaos everywhere he went. She always seemed so calm and easygoing. It has been a long running joke to tease me about not forgetting Riley because she is so quiet you might forget she was there (not because I ever actually have forgotten her!).
So this is for Riley so I can always look back on the amazing things she is doing right now. The things you think you will remember forever but in reality the details will already begin to fade within the year.
Happy 9 months sweet girl!
Not really crawling yet but is trying so hard. And between rolling, pushing backward, army crawling, and something that looks like an inch managing to make it across the room before you know it.
Loooves to eat. Everything. Except green beans. Those make her gag and cry. She's a carb lover at heart like her mom. Oatmeal and Cheerios are her favorites. But she also loves carrots, peas, bananas, and eggs. She makes the funniest face while eating tart things I can't help but keep giving them to her even if she doesn't love them.
Has two teeth. On the bottom. Razor sharp. Is still nursing. Enough said. This also causes her to test the deliciousness of things edible or not.
They may be tiny, but I know they're there. And I just noticed that is a mustache changing pad, the joys of big brother hand me downs start early Riley.
Loves bath time. Or as she calls it splash time.
Is a raspberry blowing queen. Has a laugh that sometimes sounds like crying. Is learning to use her voice. I swear says mama. Goes to sleep at night without crying. And is all around just a sweetheart.
We love you Riley. You will never be the forgotten healthy child. Even if your mom is a little late putting together your baby book. And just know from one second child, little sister to another... I feel your pain.