Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello Hormones, Goodbye Brain

Oh boy have the hormones started to set in! You know that moment when you know you are about to cry and you know it is completely irrational but there is no stopping it? Welcome to my life. All. The. Damn. Time. Here's a list of really awesome, completely senseless reasons I've cried lately:

  • I had to change doctors from a female doctor to a male doctor, so I cried on the phone to the receptionist
  • Again with the doctor's receptionist, I wanted to make my appointment for Friday, she said they only had Wednesday available. So I bawled like a baby. (I bet OB/GYN receptionists get this a lot. If so my apologies to them everywhere)
  • Biggest Loser makeover reveal week. Enough said. Pass the tissues.
  • Hunter left to go out of town on a Tuesday. I was going to meet him Thursday morning. I cried for three hours. 
  • I only had 20 minutes at work to run and grab some lunch. I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat and was really stressed out by this decision. So I wandered down 25th street crying until I decided on a sandwich. 
I know there have been countless other times. I'll try to keep a running list for future updates. But if you see a pregnant girl crying for no apparent reason, just give her a tissue, some chocolate, and walk away slowly.

To make room for all these hormones I think my brain has checked out, hopefully not permanently. I literally cannot send a text, IM, or email without forgetting at least one crucial word. Go ahead, re-read this blog I guarantee there are sentences all over the place that you're like, Huh? What was she trying to say? Its like real life mad libs. Just start filling in the blank with the noun/verb/adjective of your choosing.

Me: "I'm running to the ____ after work, do you need anything?"
You: Circus? Sure, I'll take an elephant! 

See how fun this can be?

In other fabulous news, no gestational diabetes for this girl! I celebrated with a box of donut holes. 

Photo Credit:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sweet dreams are made of these

I think the crazy dreams is one of my favorite things pregnancy has brought on, right behind as much ice cream as I want and stretchy pants. Last night was quite possibly one of the funniest, most outrageous ones yet.

I dreamt I was at the doctor's office, waiting for my exam. The doctor then asked me to lie down, put my feet up, and... smile. Huh? It was time for my complimentary teeth whitening! What?!?! Best part is in my dream, the doctor is telling me don't forget to turn your head side to side so the light hits all your teeth. Next thing I know I'm waking up smiling ear to ear, baring my teeth, and turning my head side to side!

Apparently I am not the first person to think it would be fantastic if all those doctor's visits came with a bonus. While researching new doctors I found an OB, who in addition to delivering your baby, also does lipo, botox, and laser hair removal. Have a baby and a tummy tuck all at the same time. Sounds brilliant to me, sign me up!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Halfway! And then some

I knew I would be bad at this whole blogging thing. So here are some updates that I missed in the last month:

We had our second ultrasound at 19 weeks, and it's a boy for sure! We are so excited. I have to say big brothers are the best (that's right, Kyle, I said it!) and I'm so happy that we are having a boy. Hunter is over the moon excited. He has gone a bit overboard with the shopping, which is really cute but we're going to have to work on his style. He's mostly frequented the baby section at Spencer's and the Harley Davidson store (who even knew these places had a baby section?!). I'm not sure how I feel about dressing my baby in only ironic onesies. Its been a flashback to his obsession with buying himself shirts with dumb sayings that only 15 year old boys wear and think they're cool, not 30-something grown men. (i.e. 'I got to second base with a TSA agent') But regardless of Hunter's fashion sense it is still adorable how excited he is.

Made it halfway! Although calling 20 weeks halfway feels a little like cheating, considering I didn't know I was pregnant until 8 weeks into it. But hey any excuse to celebrate a milestone, right?

My parents came to visit for Christmas. It was such a great week hanging out with them. Relaxing, shopping, enjoying chocolate & coffee every morning with my mom (It's our favorite treat and one of her secrets to a long and happy life. Don't worry, I had more chocolate than coffee), and eating cheesecake every night after dinner. The desserts had to be one of my favorite parts of this week. Finished breakfast? Have a piece of chocolate! Lunch is over? You deserve a cookie! Done with dinner? You guessed it, bring on the cheesecake! 

 Wally wanted in the picture too
 In my Christmas jammies...
 A famous saying amongst my family
The beautiful wedding quilt my mom made for us, she recently finished so it was a wonderful present we got to open this Christmas. It really brings a lot of cheer to our guest room.

All this sugar may have also contributed to the fact that I started feeling the baby kick, a lot! It seems so surreal that going in for my 19 week ultrasound I remember talking to my mom and saying I thought I was starting to feel the baby kick but not really sure. Now 4 weeks later and these are undeniable, serious kicks happening in there. Hunter has even been able to feel a few. 

Feeling those kicks are the highlight of my day. And when I don't think I've felt them recently enough I start to get paranoid. I can't help it, I tend to be a pretty paranoid person. But I prefer to call it cautious. And I can just picture my Dad telling me that it's smart to be cautious, so I'm sticking with it. I downloaded the Ovia Pregnancy app for the kick counter because it's so easy to quickly track how many kicks I've felt and brings me such comfort to be able to look back at how active that little guy has been. Added bonus, it has fun little tidbits about the baby's development and advice for me on how to be healthier. And down the line it also has a contraction counter that I foresee coming in handy.  It also has trackers for daily calories, activity, and sleep but currently the sleep tracker only lets you put in the time you fell asleep and woke up. It is missing a spot to track the twelve times you woke up to pee or because your back hurt. So until it adds that feature I'll stick with the other benefits of the app.